મુલાકાતી નંબર: 430,019

Newborn’s Arrival into the world
    There is a certain amount of happiness in relatives eagerly waiting outside the labor room as soon as they hear that “First Cry”of the newborn baby. The overwhelming feeling even leads to a little sweet argument among all of them standing outside, that who will go and see the baby first. Even before the sweet arguments ends, the nurse brings the attractively wrapped bundle of joy from the labour room and places it in the hands of the relatives. The first 10 days are very important for the mother and the new born baby. As soon as the mother feels a little healthy and recovers she should give the “First Feed” to the baby. It is important to understand here that, the baby might not latch on immediately to the breast, may find difficult to suck or there could be chances that it might latch on but mother may not get milk. All these things are normal. But what is important is to feed, as mothers milk is the most beneficial to the new born. If you have given birth through C- section even than try to give breastfeed as soon as possible either in the labor room itself or the recovery room. For the first week, mother and child should be given absolute privacy. Mother’s milk is very important for the new born and hence when the mother and child are given proper privacy, the stress level is less and as she gets proper rest she recovers fasters which increase the frequency of breastfeed as well which will in turn  increases the flow of mother’s milk. It’s a myth that the first yellowish liquid fluid called as “The Colostrum” is bad and should not be consumed by the new born, in reality it’s the best milk for the new born. The formula milk should be given to the new born in special cases like if the kids are twins and the milk is not enough for both, underweight or overweight baby, cut over lower or the upper palate of the baby’s mouth, mother is HIV positive or mother has some medical complications or illness post the birth of the baby. Relatives should avoid forcing the parents to move to the formula milk. Consult your pediatrician and only if he suggests than start the formula milk for the baby. Nature has its own ways, and it will on its own create a bond between the mother and the new born, what is required is a little bit of patience and a lots of efforts. It is observed that the relatives who live with the parents of the new born or who are visiting to see the new born often tend to lose their patience when the baby starts crying, and in that process they even start giving advice or behave in such a manner that the mother of the new born gets worried, and in return it causes stress to her. This situation should be avoided. Less stress better for both mother and child. There are few more common changes that are noticed in the new born like, in the first week of birth they lose 10% of their weight. They will pass black color motion in the first 3-4 days from 5th – 6th day onwards they will start pooping frequently for 8-10 times in small quantity. It might be difficult to clean also if you are using cotton cloth nappies and they will have a particular yellow stains, but this is a common thing. In the initial 4-5 days they will pass very little urine, their body will be warm, in medical terms this condition is called “Dehydration Fever”. Even the quantity of urine is very less. You might also notice small red boils on the skin, the skin might look dry, and some cuts are noticed on the skin, do not panic at all these all are normal changes. When the child is about 5-7 days old, they might get “Physiological Jaundice” in which the eyes, legs, hands and body will turn a bit yellow, but again it’s a normal and common thing to happen. Consult your doctor and take his advice. If the newborn suffers from Jaundice occurs around the 4th day of the birth, in that case the doctor might take the blood sample and even suggest the “Phototherapy” only if needed. The purplish stump on the newborns navel will dry down and fall off in approximately 5-15 days. Once it falls down take doctor’s advice and apply any powder on the navel. If you notice blood on the navel or in case of girl child if you see white sticky virginal fluid consult the doctor. Again what is important here is not to panic. Sometimes you will notice that a newborn is breathing too fast and then suddenly the breathing is too slow, this is called “Periodic Breathing”. Remember that a mother carries a child for 9 months in her womb, when the child comes to the world, a child will need at least 9 days to settle in the world after birth isn’t it?                  

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